Außer den Raubtieren, wie Löwen und Hyänen, waren alle Tiere sehr aktiv, sogar in der Mittgaszeit . Es kam nirgendwo Langeweile auf und auch für Fotografen gab es ausreichend Möglichkeiten die Tiere ohne Netze oder Gitter zu knipsen. Ein wirklich empfehlenswerter Zoo.
On Monday, we went on a trip to the Zoom Erlebniswelt in Gelsenkirchen/Germany. This is a wonderful zoo, which is divided into three big theme areas: Alaska, Africa, and Asia. You can only find a limited amount of animal species, but those have huge scenery areas and many playfellows.
Except of the predators, like lions and hyenas, all animals were very active, even at noon. Here, boredom has no chance and for photographers as well, there were enough possibilities to snap the animals without any net or fence. It's a really recommendable zoo.
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Luchs/Lynx |
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Elch/Moose |
Baumstachler/Canadian porcupine
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Roter Vari auf der Suche nach Futter / Red ruffed lemur looking for food |
Bootstour durch Afrika / boat ride through the African area